Basic values

offset-x (positive value, px) | offset-y (positive value, px) | color (6-char hex)

offset-x (negative value, px) | offset-y (negative value, px) | color color (6-char hex)

offset-x (positive value, px) | offset-y (positive value, px) | color (rgb)

offset-x (positive value, px) | offset-y (positive value, px) | color (rgb with opacity)

offset-x (positive value, px) | offset-y (positive value, px) | color (hsl)

offset-x (positive value, px) | offset-y (positive value, px) | color (hsl with opacity)

offset-x (positive value, em) | offset-y (positive value, em) | color (6-char hex)

offset-x (negative value, em) | offset-y (negative value, em) | color (6-char hex)

offset-x (positive value, rem) | offset-y (positive value, rem) | color (6-char hex)

offset-x (negative value, rem) | offset-y (negative value, rem) | color (6-char hex)

With blur

offset-x (positive value, px) | offset-y (positive value, px) | blur-radius (px) | color (6-char hex)

offset-x (positive value, px) | offset-y (positive value, px) | blur-radius (em) | color (6-char hex)

offset-x (positive value, px) | offset-y (positive value, px) | blur-radius (rem) | color (6-char hex)

With spread

offset-x (positive value, px) | offset-y (positive value, px) | blur-radius (px) | spread-radius (px) | color (6-char hex)

offset-x (positive value, px) | offset-y (positive value, px) | blur-radius (px) | spread-radius (negative value, px) | color (6-char hex)

With inset

inset | offset-x (positive value, px) | offset-y (positive value, px) | color (6-char hex)

inset | offset-x (negative value, px) | offset-y (negative value, px) | color (6-char hex)

inset | offset-x (positive value, px) | offset-y (positive value, px) | blur-radius (px) | color (6-char hex)

inset | offset-x (positive value, px) | offset-y (positive value, px) | blur-radius (px) | spread-radius (px) | color (6-char hex)

Multiple shadows

Multiple (2): offset-x (positive value, px) | offset-y (positive value, px) | color (6-char hex)

Multiple (3): offset-x (positive value, px) | offset-y (positive value, px) | color (6-char hex)

Multiple (2): mixed values