dir attribute

Indicates the directionality of the element’s text.

Estimated Support About

80.49% + 14.63% = 95.12%


  • 1

    Buggy. The client applies an rtl direction to the entire email if it contains text in a rtl language.

  • 2

    Partial. Removed from <table> and <td> elements.

  • 3

    Buggy on anchor <a> tags.

  • 4

    Buggy. LTR text in [dir=rtl] (and vice versa) is rendered with reversed word order.


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Test it yourself

This feature was last tested on November 01, 2021.

If you want to test this feature in the same conditions as we did, you can get our test code and run a test by yourself. Make sure to follow our testing recommendations first.